Saturday, April 18, 2015

Checking In...

Friends I have lost my focus.
Since my last post my Mother became ill and passed away. I guess I am the proof that regardless of how old you are, losing a parent is crushing.
She was a peace with dying, and Liz and I brought her to our home to care for her and allow her to die as comfortably as possible, surrounded by loved ones.

We've been dealing with our grief by remodeling our studio and painting the rest of the house.

I will return to all of this in the future. Cherish your friends and family, and take care of yourselves.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

ACW Fences

I am planning to play some games of Johnny Reb this year. I am building fences to create better games. Below are some that I have just finished.

I cut strips of cardboard, glue them to the balsa base, flocked the raised area with ballast, cut strips of balsa and built the fences, painted brown, drybrushed grey, and flocked the base with grass.

I now have about 20' of fences; my goal is double that.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

John Hill Memorial Issue of Charge Magazine; Free Download

There is a free download through Wargame Vault of issue 41 of Charge magazine. Charge is the magazine Scott Mingus, Sr. published to support regimental American Civil War gaming.

The link is here

If you knew John Hill, or played his games, or are interested is playing them, download this tribute and enjoy it and let anyone else who might be interested know.

I haven't played much Johnny Reb lately, but that will change this year.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

After Christmas Tree Find

Each year, my wife and I do some after Christmas shopping. She is looking for wrapping paper for next year and I am looking for terrain leftovers from stores selling Christmas villages. This was a good year. At Menard's, I found two packages of birch trees at 50% off. I picked up 18 trees for $13. I'm quite pleased. I'll need to add foliage, but that's easy.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Battle of Paris, 1814, Scenario OB

Since this was the bicentennial of the 1814 Campaign in France, I planned to recreate a few of the battles. Most of the battles are small, 2-4 player games. I was looking for a larger, 8-10 player scenario. Paris was my choice. It was a lopsided affair, 40,000 French vs 110,000 Allies. Napoleon arrived at 8PM on the day of the battle, after everything had been settled. What if he had turned around and started for Paris 16 hours earlier? That became the premise of my game. I set up the historical French defenders, set down an appropriate number of Russians, Prussians, Bavarians (standing in for the Wurtemburgers,)  and Austrians. On the third turn of the game, Napoleon and his army of 23,000 arrive behind the Allies. As it turns out, I should have had Napoleon arriving via Paris, as I have learned that his route would bring him to the city from the French side.

The French OB was easy to find and reproduce, the Allies, not quite as easy. I learned that there was an Austrian Advance Guard leading the Wurtemburgers, easy enough. My 1814 Bavarian army would stand in for the Wurtemburgers. Half of the army is Russians and there are also the Prussians. For the Russians and Prussians, I used known OB's from earlier 1814 battles.

There were 3 French and 7 Allied players. I sketched out a map and when I find it, I'll post it as well.

We could have accommodated another French player or two. The AAR will follow in due time.

Battle of Paris
30 March 1814
Time: 7:00 a.m.

King Joseph
Minister of War      Duc de Feltre
Guard Lancers  M7  [ ][ ] Light
Army Arty    Loches
1st Field Arty  [ ][ ]  Fld
2nd Field Arty  [ ][ ]  Fld
3rd Field Arty  [ ][ ]  Fld
Fortress Arty  M6 [ ][ ]   Hvy
2nd Horse Arty  M6  [ ][ ]  Fld
Heavy Arty M6 [ ][ ]   Hvy

Right Wing        Marmont      

Provisional Cavalry Corps      Compans  EX 5  OOOOO/OOOOO
14th Bde                M5 [ ][ ][ ] Light
Beurman’s Bde      M5 [ ][ ][ ]   Light
1st Div                   M5 [ ][ ][ ]  Hvy
Prov Hvy Bde        M5  [ ] Hvy  Linear

VI Corps:
Guilleminot’s Division           Guilleminot EX 3   OOO/OO
Legras’ Bde               M5  [ ][ ][ ]
Bde Wickenberg        M5  [ ][ ]
Friant’s’s Division      Friant   EX 2  OO/OO
Bruzelles’ Bde   M5  [ ][ ]
Joubert’s Bde  M5  [ ][ ]
Compans Corps                  Compans  EX 4  OOOO/OOO
27th Legere     M5 [ ] SK
42nd Legere     M5 [ ] SK
88th Legere      M5  [ ] SK      
1st Prov Leg     M5 [ ] SK
Bruny’s Bde     M5 [ ][ ][ ]
Grouchy’s Div         Grouchy    EX 3 OOO/OOO
Lucotte’s Bde  M5  [ ][ ][ ] dg
Bde Valory  M4 [ ][ ][ ] dg PT

Left Wing          Mortier         
Guard Corps         Curial  EX 8  OOOOOOOO/OOOOO
1st YG Bde           M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  SH
2nd YG Bde          M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  SH
Charpentier’s YG  M6  [ ][ ][ ]   SH
3rd YG Bde           M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ]   SH
Christiani’s Div   EX  2  OO/O
Chasseur Bde M7 [ ][ ][ ]   SH
Cavalry Corps        Montbrun  EX 3  OOO/OOO
Rignaud’s Bde   M5   [ ][ ]  Med
Sparre’s Bde  M5  [ ][ ]  Med
Horse Arty  M6   [ ][ ]  Field Horse
Mortier                       EX 6  OOOOOO/OOOOOOO
Ghigny’s Bde   M4  [ ][ ][ ][ ] PT
Christophe’s Bde   M4  [ ][ ][ ][ ] PT
Leclerc’s Bde         M4  [ ][ ][ ][ ] PT
Ornano’s Div       M5  [ ]  SK

Paris Guard         Moncey          
1st Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
2nd Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
3rd Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
4th Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
5th Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
6th Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
7th Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
8th Paris Gd M4  [ ]   SK
9th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
10th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
11th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
12th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
13th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
14th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
15th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
16th Paris Gd M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ] Militia
Miscellaneous Garrisons:
Saint Maur     M5  [ ] SK
Charenton      M5  [ ] SK
Saint-Denis     M5  [ ] SK
Neuilly            M5  [ ] SK

Napoleon’s Army
VII Corps     Oudinot       EX 6  OOOOOO/OOOOOO
Rottembourg’s Div    M6  [ ][ ][ ][ ]  SH
Leval’s Div   M5   [ ][ ][ ][ ]  dg
Pacthod’s Div   M4    [ ][ ][ ][ ]  dg

Ney      Ex 3   OOO/OO
Div Lefol  M5   [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] dg

Grenadier Bde  M7 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  SH
1st YG Bde  M6  [ ][ ][ ][ ]   SH
2nd YG Bde M6  [ ][ ][ ][ ]   SH
3rd YG Bde M6  [ ][ ][ ][ ]   SH
Guard Hvy Arty M7  [ ][ ]  Hvy
Guard Field Arty M7  [ ][ ]  Field

Ornano        EX 8   OOOOOO/OOOOO
Guard Chasseurs   M7  [ ][ ] Light
Carabiniers   M6  [ ][ ] Hvy
YG Dragoons/Grenadiers  M6  [ ][ ][ ] Hvy
YG Chasseurs   M6 [ ][ ]   Light
Gardes d’honneur de DeFrance    M5 [ ][ ][ ]

Austrian Advance Guard to Bavarian Corps, Genl Frimont
Corps Troops
  • 1st Field Arty Bn                         M6 [ ][ ] field
  • 2nd Field Arty Bn                         M6 [ ][ ] field
1st Division, Genl Hardegg (DC), Exhaustion=3       OOO/OOO
  • 1st Bn, 3rd Jager Regt                             M6 [ ] sk
  • 1st Bn, 3rd Jager Regt                             M6 [ ] sk
  • Szeckler Grenze Regt (2 bns)                      M5 [ ][ ]   dg
  • Ezh Joseph Hussar Regt   M5 [ ][ ] l/dg
2nd Division, Genl Spleny (DC), Exhaustion=5    OOOOO/OOOOO
  • IR 3                                       M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ] dg
  • I.R. 12                                    M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ] dg
  • Dgn Knesvich                               M5 [ ][ ] md dg

Bavarian Corps, Count Wrede
Corps Troops
  • 1st Res Hvy Arty Bn             M6 [ ][ ] hv
  • 2nd Res Hvy Arty Bn             M6 [ ][ ] hv
1st Division, Genl Rechberg , Exhaustion=6       OOOOOO/OOOOOO
  • Brigade Bayern       M5 [ ][ ][ ] lt
  • Brigade Prinz Karl                               M4 [ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 3rd Light Bn                                       M5 [ ] sk
  • Brigade Maillot:                                  M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 2nd Light Battalion (1 bn)                        M5 [ ] sk
2nd Division, Genl Beckers (DC), Exhaustion=6        OOOOOO/OOOOOO
  • Brigade Elbracht:3rd & 6th Cheveau-Leger Regts    M5 [ ][ ] lt
  • Brigade Pappenheim:                               M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 5th Light Battalion (1 bn)                        M5 [ ] sk
  • Brigade Zollern:                                  M4 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 1st Light Battalion (1 bn)                        M5 [ ] sk
3rd Division, Genl La Motte (DC), Exhaustion=7    OOOOOOO/OOOOOO
  • Briga de Dietz: 4th & 5th Cheveau-Leger Regts      M5 [ ][ ] lt
  • Brigade Habermann:                                M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]   dg
  • Brigade Deroi: 5th & 8th I.R. (3 bns)             M5 [ ][ ][ ]     dg
  • 9th I.R., 5th Munchen & 6th Lindau Natl Bns       M4 [ ][ ][ ]

VI Corps, Genl Scherbatow (CC)
7th Infantry Division, Genl Korff (DC), Exhaustion=5    OOOOO/OOOOO
  • Seliquensk IR            M5 [ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • Laptev’s Bde             M5 [ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 1st Bn/7th Jagers                 M5 [ ]  sk
  • 2nd Bn/7th Jagers         M5 [ ] sk
  • 10th Heavy Foot Battery                           M5 [ ][ ] hv
18th Infantry Division, Genl Raevski (DC), Exhaustion=4   OOOO/OOOO
  • Grenadiers/Kexholm Dept              M5 [ ][ ]
  • Tomsk IP                                 M5 [ ][ ]
  • 1st Bde                                               M5 [ ][ ]
  • 24th Field Arty                           M5 [ ][ ] field

Pahlen Column  Exhaustion=4         OOOO/OOOOO         
  • 1st Don Cossack Regt          M5 [ ] sk
  • 2nd Don Cossack Regt          M5 [ ] sk
  • 1st Kuban Cossack Regt          M5 [ ] sk
  • 2nd Kuban Cossack Regt          M5 [ ] sk
  • Pest Insurrection Hussars                     M3 [ ] sk
  • 5th Dragoon Rgt                       M5 [ ][ ]  lt
  • 2nd ChevauLeger Rgt                M5 [ ][ ]  lt      

IX Corps, Genl Olsuvieu (CC)
9th Infantry Division, Genl Udom II (DC), Exhaustion=5  OOOOO/OOOOO
  • IR Sofia                               M5 [ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • IR Bleskow                M5 [ ][ ][ ]  dg
  • 1st Bn/8th Jgr  Rgt   M5 [ ]  sk
  • 2nd Bn/8th Jgr Rgt    M5 [ ]  sk
  • 15th Hvy Arty                           M5 [ ][ ] hv
15th Infantry Division, Genl Uvarov (DC), Exhaustion=4   OOOO/OOO
  • Tonguinsk & Tula IR’s       M5   [ ][ ][ ]
  • IR Vladamir              M5   [ ][ ]
  • 2th Hvy Arty                           M6 [ ][ ] hvy
Cavalry Corps, Genl Platov (CC)   Exhaustion=2     OO/OO
  • White Russia Hussar Rgt    M5 [ ][ ] lt  dg
  • Elizabethgrad Hussar Rgt   M5 [ ][ ] lt  dg

XII Corps General Eugene (CC)
First Line: 14th Infantry Division, Gen. Choglokov (DC), Exhaustion 8  OOOOOOOO/OOOOOOO
  • Kiev Gren Rgt                     M6 [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg SH
  • Astrakhan Gren Rgt              M6 [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg  SH
  • 25 Jagers                           M5 [ ] sk
  • 23rd & 4th Jgr Rgts            M5 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg
  • Revel IR                    M5 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg
21st Infantry Division, Gen. Laptiev (DC), Exhaustion 6  OOOOOO/OOOOOOO
  • Murmansk IR                M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg
  • Oufa IR                       M5 [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg
  • Navajinsk & Estonia IR’s                     M5 [ ] [ ] [ ] J  dg
  • Chirvan IR                 M5 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]  dg

III Corps, Generalleutenant von Bulow CC
Corps Troops
  • Reserve Heavy Artillery Battalion         M5 [ ][ ]hv
  • Reserve Russian Position Battery          M5 [ ][ ]hv
  • III Corps Converged Grenadiers            M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ] SH
3rd Brigade, Generallmajor Tharreau DC, Ex = 7  OOOOOOO/OOOOOOOO
  • 3rd East Prussian Infantry Regt           M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 4th Reserve Infantry Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 3rd East Prussian Landwehr regt           M5 [ ][ ][ ]PT
  • 1st Leib Hussar Regt                      M6 [s]lt
  • 3rd Bde Field Artillery        M5 [ ][ ]fld
4th Brigade, Generallmajor Carnall DC, Ex= 9   OOOOOOOOO/OOOOOOOOO
  • 4th East Prussian Infantry Regt           M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 5th Reserve Infantry Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • Elbe Infantry Regt                        M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • Pomeranian National Cavalry               M5 [s]lt
  • 4th Bde Field Artillery         M5 [ ][ ]field

5th Brigade, Generallmajor Hessen-Homberg DC, Ex= 6  OOOOOO/OOOOOOO
  • 1st Pomeranian Infantry Regt              M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 9th Reserve Infantry Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 2nd Kurmark Landwehr Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ]PT
  • Pomeranian Hussar Regt                    M5 [s]lt
  • Field Artillery Battalion Hessen-Homberg  M5 [ ][ ]fld
6th Brigade, Generallmajor Kraft DC, Ex= 8  OOOOOOOO/OOOOOOOOOO
  • Colberg Infantry Regt                     M6 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 2nd Reserve Infantry Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ]
  • 1st Neumark Landwehr Regt                 M5 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]PT
  • 6th Bde Field Artillery Battalion           M5 [ ][ ]fld
Reserve Cavalry Division, Generallmajor von Oppen DC, Ex= 5  OOOOO/OOOOO
  • Combined Hussars                                          M5 [ ][ ]lt
  • Dragoon Brigade von Treskow    M5 [ ][ ]md
  • Uhlan Brigade von Hobe                    M5 [s][s]lt, lncr
  • Landwehr Brigade von Malzahn              M5 [s][s]lt, pt
  • Horse Artillery Battalion von Oppen       M5 [ ][ ]fld